WRCとは(About WRC)

WRC(ライティング&リサーチコンサルタント)とは(About WRC)






WRC(Writing & Research Consultant) aims to help students with concerns about academic writings and procedures to pursue research activities. The help desk is located at event space on 2nd floor of media center and is operated during academic semesters.

What is WRC? (movie, language:Japanese)

Please come directly to the help desk for those who wish to be consulted. If there are people waiting, we serve in the order from ones that comes first to last. There is a reservation list placed at the help desk and you can fill in information to make a reservation. If you wish to come on a specific day and time, you can make a reservation from online reservation system.

We can help your concerns about how to write academic writings like lecture reports and graduation thesis, fixing your research theme, how to find research materials, how to conduct your research activities, etc. We do not offer a general language check service (grammar and spelling).

If you like to discuss research details with a consultant, check out the consultant profile in advance to see who has closer research domain with your research domain.





LocationEvent space on 2nd floor
During each semesterThe latest schedules are shown at WRC’s web site
During holidaysNot on service

More information is located here

Twitter account: @sfc_wrc