お知らせ(2025.1) / Notice(Jan. 2025)
2/3(月)の予約を希望される方は、以下の情報を記載してwrc@sfc.keio.ac.jp までご連絡ください。
There is currently a problem with the reservation form page for Monday, February 3rd.
If you would like to make a reservation for Monday, February 3rd, please mail to wrc@sfc.keio.ac.jp with the following information:
件名:WRC予約(2/3) / Subject: WRC reservation (Feb. 3rd)
- お名前(漢字・ローマ字) / Your name
- メールアドレス / e-mail address
- 学籍番号, 学部, 学年 / Student ID, Faculty, Grade
- コンサルタント名 / Consultant name
- 相談希望時間(コンサルタントスケジュールを確認してください。※16:00-18:00はコンサルタントが休みのため受付不可)
Preferred time (please check the schedule *No appointments are accepted between 16:00 and 18:00 as the consultant is absence.) - 相談内容 / Purpose of consultation
予約は以下のカレンダーより可能です(◯:予約可,×:空きなし, – :予約不可)。予約は1日30分(1コマ)までですが、次のコマに希望者がいない場合は、相談を続けることもできます(目安として1日最大1時間まで)。予約が完了すると、確認メール(件名:【SFC WRC】Reservation Confirmed) が送信されます。 確認メールが届かない場合はお問い合わせください。
Please check the schedule on the top page for the shift of each consultants (face-to-face or online).
You can make a reservation through the following calendar (◯: Available, ×: Occupied, – : Not Available). The Reservation can be up to 30 min/per day. If no one has reserved the next 30 minutes, or if no one comes to consult, you may be able to continue the consultation for up to 60 min/per day. The confirmation mail (Subject: 【SFC WRC】Reservation Confirmed】) will be sent to you after submission. The reservation may have failed if you don’t have the confirmation mail. If so, contact us.
If you wish to cancel the reservation, please let us know before starting. You may not be able to make a reservation next time if you have canceled your reservation frequently.
If you would like us to check your writing, you can share the text with the consultant, so please make a reservation well in advance.
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